Undeserving Love ~ Lesley Adams

Those whose hearts are so big that they keep on giving and caring for others before themselves it takes a serious paradigm shift due to reframing one’s mindset to actually become SELF orientated rather than OTHER orientated.  I say it’s time that you only allow people into your life who are going to be assets versus being liabilities.  If someone is not adding to your life and is coming to “take” from you then that’s the clue to fold ’em!  I dedicate this poem to YOU!

Fall in love with someone

Undeserving Love

Love is a verb

So to watch how you closed yourself off to me

Only to reach for me when you wanted what you wanted

Seared me to the inner recesses of my soul

Despite this I loved you so

I would have taken a bullet for you

Walked on water if I could

Undeserving Love

Your mixed signals

Caused so much confusion

Your push and pull

Left me doubting the beautiful woman that I am

Inside and out

You had me feeling so insecure

Forgetting the greatness of who I am

Undeserving love

To hear the stories of all those before me

How they captured your attention

That years later you vividly recited every detail

Right down to their beauty

Never to tell me that to you

I am beautiful

Cut deep into my spirit

Undeserving love

I had to leave

Because I knew that was the only way

To heal from this pain

You never batted an eye

Let me walk out the door

Not even to call out to me to come back

Confirmation to me of

Undeserving love

A new day came in my life

When I decided to choose me instead of you

God blessed me with amazing

People and opportunities

He showed me that I am

More than I allowed myself to be treated

By your Undeserving Love

I am worthy of self-love – Deserving of love


Lesley Adams

This poem is dedicated to a woman with one of the biggest hearts who has learned how to love herself more than those who are undeserving of her love. Your story inspired this poem.

Lesley Adams is a Motivational Speaker and Author

Contact Lesley to speak at your next event


For more information on how to do this please contact me at lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com or visit www.lesleyadamsauthor.com and click on CONTACT to reach me.





I was interviewed on Speak Life Radio with the incredibly amazing, powerful, and beautiful inside and out Ronda Stacey Andrews.  I am so grateful to Ronda for having me as a guest on her show so that I can share the message on how to manifest freedom in every area of your life.

The audio recording is available for purchase on my website:


Here is the link for the replay





The Power of Mentorship Anthology featuring a contribution entitled, “Manifesting Freedom”

by Lesley Adams, Motivational Author, Speaker, and Mentor.

Manifesting Freedom shares how to manifest freedom in every area of your lives starting with Changing Your Thinking, Whatever You Feed You Breed, Gratitude Ignites Prosperity, Take On The Energy of Money, and much more. The Audio Version read by Lesley Adams in her soothing voice and charming accent!




Sample Audio Clip



Recorded at: Island Breeze Studios P.O. Box 617153 Orlando, FL 32861

Phone: (407) 897-3522 www.ibamusic.com

Engineer: Nicholas Culp

Music: Gerardo Manrique – Relax Journey www.relaxjourney.com

Photographer:  Garrard Cato www.cato.dezonly1.com

Email:                  cato.dezonly1@gmail.com

Phone:                321.536.3785

Infinite gratitude and blessings to Glen Colin Barclay for you support and allowing me to use your lovely facility Island Breeze Affiliates as well as for the incredible services of Nick Culp. Nick Culp you are incredible and I am infinitely grateful to you and for you Eternal blessings.

Gerardo Manrique I am so grateful to you for the beautiful song “Relax Journey” that took “Manifesting Freedom”, along with my voice and encapsulated it into the most soothing and beautiful marriage on this project.  Eternal gratitude.

Cato Dez OnlyOne I appreciate you to the utmost and I wish you endless blessings for the amazing photographs that you took for me.

I dedicated the project of Manifesting Freedom to my sons Stephen and Shaun.  YOU are MY reason for everything that I do.



Published by Real Life Teaching/Publishing


562-237-8039 Whittier, California

Copyright © 2014 Real Life Teaching/Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this audio recording may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher and author.

Cover Design by Covenant Seed
Editing, Composition, and Typography by Patti McKenna

This audio is available at quantity discounts for bulk purchase. For more information contact: Manifesting Freedom International – Lesley Adams Lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com www.lesleyadamsauthor.com Telephone: 888.995.7787
Costa Mesa, California

Special Note: This audio edition of The Power of Mentorship, “Manifesting Freedom” is designed to provide information and motivation to our readers. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged to render any type of psychological, legal, or any other kind of professional advice. The content of each article is the sole expression and opinion of its author, and not necessarily that of the publisher. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by the publisher’s choice to include any of the content in this volume. Neither the publisher nor the individual author(s) shall be liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. Our views and rights are the same: You are responsible for your own choices, actions, and results.

Your Health IS Your Wealth

Monday, April 22, 2014


Your health IS your wealth.  We are inundated with information on health, yet how much do we actually internalize and practice?  I have studied Dietetics and Nutrition and time and time again I see people whose desire is strong yet their excuse level is stronger.  It all starts in the mind.

Making that decision to take care of your health is the beginning.  Then one has to overcome all the psychological issues associated with making health your priority.  I have been in numerous hospitals and doctors’ offices as a healthcare consultant and time and time again I have seen patients come in with bottles and bottles of prescription drugs, walking on canes, being diagnosed with all the major killers namely high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes, the latter of which is a world-wide pandemic!

I have seen these same patients excuse level overcome their desire level to be healthy while they continue to take prescription meds and slowly dig their way into their graves with their forks. Now please don’t misunderstand me, there is definitely a place in this world for prescription medications and they have and are saving lives every day.  However, what quality of life does it give with the side effects?  A balance is required where healthy choices in eating and exercise are also adopted.  I have seen many turn their health around and get off these medications and control their situation with diet and exercise.

I am a part of a cutting edge national beta pilot health and weight loss study that is being conducted starting on April 28, 2014.  If you would like information on how to become a part of this study please email me.  My contact information is listed below.

So let’s remember that our health is our wealth and without it we have nothing.  All the money in the world cannot and will not buy quality of life and excellent health.  We have to choose it.  So what are you choosing for you today?

With sincere and utmost gratitude.

Infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – Lesley Adams

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible! Please request our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you details on how to manifest financial freedom. Deepest gratitude.


Email: lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com




Resurrection Sunday

On this special day as many observe the resurrection of Jesus across the globe, I also see the parallels in mother nature where in Spring everything is reactivated and comes back to life from being dormant.  These seasons are a part of nature and in life we also experience “seasons” with highs and lows and gains and losses.  Everything is cyclical.  When we have great times, expansion, profit it’s easy to ride the wave.  However, it’s what we do when that wave crashes and we fall out.  Knowing “who” my  source is, is what gives me peace, bliss, and comfort even when things come crashing down.  I tell myself that “this too shall pass” and I ask what is the lesson here?  The lessons come to give expansion and growth in our journey, our level of consciousness, and more importantly with the Divine.  The school of life is consistent as it pushes us to evolve so that we can ascend to higher heights and deeper depths in the truth of who we really are.  This causes me to pay very close attention to what’s showing up as that signifies areas that I need purification and growth.

With sincere and utmost gratitude.

Infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – Lesley Adams

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible!  Our team helps people create financial freedom in your life by changing your thinking, changing your marketing, and changing your positioning (TMP). We are not asking you to get on our team.  Instead we are saying, “Let us get on your team to create expansion and growth for you and your business endeavors”.   For information about our Mentorship program email me and I will send you our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you the details. Deepest gratitude.


Gratitude Ignites Prosperity

Gratitude ignites prosperity whereas worry stunts prosperity.  I keep a “Gratitude Journal” and I write down whatever I am thankful for every day.  Being thankful brings us closer to the Divine and the energy that creates and manifests prosperity and everything positive in your life. Negative thoughts immediately repel creative forces from bringing incredible things to you.

I appreciate everyone and everything in my life and I express my thankfulness to everyone all the time. Try it. You will be pleasantly surprised to see how this will create amazing energy, experiences, and blessings.

With sincere and utmost gratitude.

Infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – LA

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible!  Our team helps people create financial freedom in your life by changing your thinking, changing your marketing, and changing your positioning (TMP). We are not asking you to get on our team.  Instead we are saying, “Let us get on your team to create expansion and growth for you and your business endeavors”.   For information about our Mentorship program email me and I will send you our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you the details. Deepest gratitude.




Whatever You Feed – You Breed

“Whatever you feed, you breed!”  Feed negative and you create more negative – feed positive and you attract more positive. There is a direct relation of cause and effect.  It is vital, therefore, to focus on the positive and choose to think great and amazing thoughts in every circumstance that arises in your life.

We are bombarded with negativity on a daily basis so we have to make a conscious decision to steer our thoughts to be positive.  I choose to see the glass as half full instead of as half empty. It’s all about perspective.  We have been implanted with rules and other negative things from a very young age and these things have become ingrained into our belief systems.  So many of us have belief systems that are not operating in truth, yet they have become our “truth” simply because they have been “programmed” into us.  We consciously have to break the cycle and it all starts in the mind.

On a daily basis we have to choose to operate in positivity no matter what our circumstances.  Pharrell Williams nailed this so beautifully in his song, “Happy” where he plainly says that even if bad news comes he will not be shaken because he’s HAPPY!  That’s the spirit that we all need to operate in.  It will cause a ripple effect and change the world one person at a time.

With sincere and utmost gratitude.

Infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – Lesley Adams

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible!  I am asking you to let our team help you create financial freedom in your life by changing your thinking, changing your marketing, and changing your positioning (TMP). We are not asking you to get on our team.  Instead we are saying, “Let us get on your team and create expansion and growth for you and your business endeavors”.   For information about our Mentorship program email me and I will send you our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you the details. Utmost gratitude.




Predictable Wealth a movie based on the book, “The Science of Getting Rich”, by Wallace D. Wattles featuring Bob Proctor, Les Brown, Brian Tracy and other experts slated for release December 2014. I have the honor and privilege of being one of the experts in this movie on how to apply the principles of the book into real life. www.predictablewealthmovie.com


Set Crystal Clear Intentions

Set crystal clear intentions for each specific thing that you desire to attract into your life. These intentions each have a vibration that echoes exponentially at that specific frequency until it attracts the exact thing that you desire to manifest in your life. This simplifies it all because your intentions have clarity. By doing this, you will have peace because you know that you know exactly what you desire. Then be watchful as opportunities and people show up in your life that are not what you have asked for. It allows you to let go of those things and people who are not for you. By operating in your life in this way, it puts you in a position to allow the Universe to bring your desires to you. Your job is to emit the frequency.

The above paragraph is an excerpt that I wrote from the book, “The Power of Mentorship – Manifesting Freedom”.  I had the privilege of co-authoring this book with Bob Proctor, John Assaref, Don and Melinda Boyer and other phenomenal people.

I am reminded about setting clear intentions today because at this juncture something showed up in my life that is out of my control and I can only sit back and trust while staying positive.  It caused me to feel as though I had to change my plans to relocate my business.  Then I was reminded by my mentor to “hold my faith and vision strong”.  This brought me back to the fact that I had set very crystal clear intentions on the Universe to relocate my business.  So I am keeping that vision in the forefront of my mind, seeing myself operating in the new place and space, meeting new people and sharing with them how to manifest freedom in their lives.

By doing this it brought my vibration back up and I feel at peace because now I am in synergy with the Universe as it is responding to the frequency that I had emitted in the first place because I had set crystal clear intentions.

Lesley Adams

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that you are limitless, and that ALL things are possible.  I am asking you to let our team help you create financial freedom in your life through our 1 Year Mentorship Program.  Together we can get it done…I Guarantee it! For information about our Mentorship program email me and I will send you our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you the details.


The Power of Your Thoughts


The Power of Mentorship Helping people reach there dreams.


There is not one aspect of our life that we cannot improve and change when we learn how life really works through the power of our thoughts.  Many people think that thoughts and thinking is the same thing but they are not.  Thinking is using your intellectual mind based on inductive reasoning to figure out problems arrange ideas, contemplate information and exercise the power of reasoning.  Thoughts are based on meditation, visualization, dreaming and imagination based on the creative or subconscious mind.

We will never intellectually figure out how to become successful and create all the things we desire, yet that is how the masses try to do it.  For this reason the majority of mankind is wore out, frustrated, disappointed, sick, frustrated and broke.  Trying to work your way to wealth and success is like trying to walk on water, you will sink.  But you could ride in a boat or raft and very easily navigate and stay afloat on water without sinking.

The best investment you could ever make to reach your dreams is learn from a Mentor how the law of attraction works and how to put it to work in your life.  You are already using this great law, but most are using it to attract what they don’t want instead of attracting what they do want.

“It is my sincere prayer that something I write or something I say unlocks the greatness within you”.  I am asking you to let our team help you create financial freedom in your life through our 1 Year Mentorship Program.  Together we can get it done…I Guarantee it! For information about our Mentorship program email us and we will send you our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you the details.
