Lesley’s Motivational Moment – Gratitude Ignites Prosperity

Gratitude Ignites Prosperity

This is a simple truth.  The more you walk in gratitude … the more you will receive to be grateful for.

Please click on the hyperlink below and watch this video on

having an attitude of gratitude:

An Attitude of Gratitude

Law of Gratitude

Gratitude Ignites Prosperity Worry Stagnates Prosperity

Lesley Adams is a Personal Development and Growth Expert

Author, Speaker, and Board Certified Mentor

 Predictable Wealth Movie Promo Trailer

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Lesley is available to speak at your next event

Contact: lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com


Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

Ruby throated hummingbird

I was sitting outside and enjoying my cup of Organic Organo Gold Coffee when a Ruby-throated Hummingbird, (Archilochus colubris in Latin) in all his exquisiteness flew up to bid me good morning! How marvelous is that?

My youngest son is an avid bird watcher and when he was little we would take nature walks and then come back and draw and colour the birds that we saw and learn their names in Latin. Oh those were some of the most amazing times I had with my sons.

Hummingbirds are very territorial. When it comes to mating the males do all the work as they puff out their chests and throat and move their heads from side to side so that their feathers shine in the light giving the illusion that they are dancing to a song in their head. The males perform a “mating dance” demonstrating to the female just how beautiful he looks and how strong he is. They also do a courtship dive to impress the female that they have chosen to mate with. A note to ladies out there – all male species are wired the same way across the board…. Sit back and let him impress you – there is never ever a need to chase a man or try to get his attention 😉





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Most countries, including the United States, use the system of FIAT MONEY – which is money that is has NO VALUE and is simply used as a medium of exchange.

A true gold standard emerged in 1900 when the Gold Standard Act was passed. In 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt outlawed private gold ownership with the exception of personal jewelery. A system known as Bretton Woods was enacted in 1946 where exchange rates were fixed that enabled governments to sell their gold at $35 an ounce to the United States treasury.

On August 15, 1971, President Richard Nixon “nixxed” (pun intended) the trading of gold at that fixed price of $35 an ounce. This was the first time in history that formal links between commodities and major world currencies were separated. This gold standard has ceased to be adopted by any major economy from that time onward.

money staircase


“The Bretton Woods system ended on August 15, 1971, when President Richard Nixon ended trading of gold at the fixed price of $35/ounce. At that point for the first time in history, formal links between the major world currencies and real commodities were severed”. The gold standard has not been used in any major economy since that time.

In the last week of June 2014 the dollar index steadily kept falling while the euro hit a six-week high. The writing is on the wall and it’s only a matter of time before the dollar crashes. This is why it’s important to convert a tenth of your income OR US$65 a week into the currency of gold.


Do You Have The Millionaire Mindset and Habit?

“Saving a Part of Your Income Each Week and Putting It into GOLD”

 “My mission is to educate you about the importance of owing GOLD BULLION so that you can make an intelligent decision about your financial future”  

To find our HOW to START building up your GOLD VAULT please request your copy of The Richest Man in Babylon at:


With sincere and utmost gratitude.

I wish you infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity in every area of your life.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – Lesley Adams

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible!

 “My mission is to educate you about the importance of owing Gold Bullion so that you can make an intelligent decision about your financial future”


Email: lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com

Phone: Toll Free 888.995.7787



Would Donald Trump Hire You?

Donald Trump picture

On a conference call listening to business expert Chris Lamont he challenged everyone on the call to ask our selves, based on our work ethic and quality would Donald Trump hire us?  That got me to really thinking about that question.  Many people want to look at the economy, their industry, their product, co-workers, vendors, everyone and everything else as to why they get such poor results in their business and incomes.  Yet it never dawns on them to take a look at themselves as the root problem and cause.

It’s hard for us to see our own performance until we get hit with a question like that.  I dare you to take that challenge and ask yourself “Would Donald Trump hire me”.  When you can honestly say “Yes” to that question you will find that your business and income problems will have vanished.  Donald Trump has a “High Quality Standard” for himself and everything he runs and owns and those who are in his organization, including his own children, must adopt and portray that same standard.

Is this “High Quality Standard” one of the reasons he is financially successful? Of course and that is why he recently was on the news accepting GOLD BULLION instead of US dollars for real estate.  In fact, he said he would rather have GOLD than dollars.  If you have not seen this news interview watch it here at http://www.manifestgoldfreedom.com

If you are taking my words lightly about the importance of owning GOLD BULLION it would behoove you to pay CLOSE ATTENTION to Donald Trump because if there is anyone who knows anything about wealth acquisition he’s THE ONE!  You may want to listen to him on what he says about the importance of owning GOLD.

Do You Have The Millionaire Mindset?

“Saving a Part of Your Income Each Week and Putting It into GOLD”

 “My mission is to educate you about the importance of owing GOLD BULLION so that you can make an intelligent decision about your financial future”  

To find our HOW to START building up your GOLD VAULT please request your copy of The Richest Man in Babylon at:


With sincere and utmost gratitude.

I wish you infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity in every area of your life.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – Lesley Adams

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible!

 “My mission is to educate you about the importance of owing Gold Bullion so that you can make an intelligent decision about your financial future”


Email: lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com

Phone: Toll Free 888.995.7787







Money bags overflowing


The Richest Man in Babylon,”  by George S. Clason shares seven cures to fattening up your bank account.  There is timeless financial advice in this PHENOMENAL book to assist in manifesting financial freedom.  Request your copy here:



Ensure a future income

The person who understands the laws of wealth and whose income continually expands also has the fortitude to plan provisions for the future by making surefire and safe investments in the form of land and properties, Classon states.  He shares that investing in real estate is a viable option because the value lasts and income from renting it out or selling it in the future is a sage move.

So THE SIXTH CURE for fattening up your money bags is to make sure you have income for your old age as well as provide well for your family should anything happen to you.

You can request your copy of The Richest Man in Babylon at:


With sincere and utmost gratitude.

I wish you infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity in every area of your life.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – Lesley Adams

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible! Please request our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you details on how to manifest financial freedom. Deepest gratitude.


Email: lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com




Gold Everything is a rap song by Trinidad James for those who do not listen to that type of music. Yes I was walking around the campus of UNC and a car with suburban middle class American kids drove by and they had this song cranked up.  So I ask you if Trinidad James, a rapper, has cottoned on to the secret of the wealthy by rapping about GOLD EVERYTHING shouldn’t that be a huge clue to everyone about why we need to hedge your money against losses by converting a percentage of your cash into the currency of gold?

Robert Kiyosaki shared that saving cash money is an obsolete idea because since 1981 the US$ has lost almost 80% of its purchasing power.  This is history repeating itself because every time money was converted into a currency that has been printed in unlimited amounts it declines to its true value which is ZERO!!  As this economic volatility continues the US$ continues to devalue.   The OLD RULE is SAVING MONEY and the NEW RULE is HEDGING your money against losses according to Kiyosaki.

My aim has been and will be to continually help you reach your financial goals and eliminate lack and shortage from your life.  Many people have asked why the sudden exposure about Gold Bullion, for which I would give the following answer:

The critical state of the US paper money, economy, debt and coming financial crises.  One may have fire insurance on his home and make no big deal about it.  However, when your house is on fire at 3:00 a.m. you let out a commotion that raises the dead!

Many people think I am exaggerating on the decline of our currency but in an open chart from the US Mint-Federal Reserve they state that it cost 9.4 cents to make a nickel and 1.8 cents to make a penny.  Now tell me how any sane person can believe a nation, a currency and economy that are trillions of dollars in debt can continue to go on as is.  It cost more to make money than money is worth.

Up until now I can see how most of you have no Gold at all, you cannot be blamed for this because you were not educated on Gold Bullion and current currency.  However now that I have been sharing with you this education of Gold and have even given you a plan that the most humble income can afford ($65.00 a week) if you do not start your accumulation of Gold now, when the crisis hits you will have no one to blame but yourself.

The wealthy in America are loading down on buying Gold and world countries are stock piling and hoarding it.  You might want to slow down a minute and ask yourself why?  We should all be extremely grateful for the wealthy American business tycoons who are willing to tell us the truth and share their knowledge about Gold.  I can assure you that many other foreign countries do not want you to know about this while they are stockpiling all the Gold they can.

This is available in 115 countries globally.  Please contact me to find out how you can start hedging your money against losses.

Everyone needs Gold…and you do too!


Gold Facial



Infinite gratitude and blessings.

My Best,


Lesley Adams Author, Speaker, Mentor

Woman With Purpose

Global Entrepreneur  

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” ~ Lesley Adams  




Blog:              http://successwithlesley.wordpress.com/

Facebook:     Lesley Adams Author Speaker Mentor

Twitter:        @LesleyAdams15

LinkedIn:      Lesley Adams

Instagram:   pomlesleyadams and magnificentwamn  

Toll Free Phone:  (888) 995-7787

Mission Statement   The mission of Manifesting Freedom, LLC, is to help individuals attain freedom in every area of their lives, with the theme that we are all created limitless and that all things are possible. Lesley has many passions which she exuberantly shares, namely, health, wellness, and financial freedom. She believes that the best health insurance is your health.

Following the Energy

Follow the energy of what is showing up in your life.  However, there are different types of energy.  If you do not have a “knowingness” about how to read energy then you can learn to do this.  I have learned that whatever feels “light” for me is “truth” for me and whatever feels “heavy” for me is not truth for me.  So this is one way to start learning to read these energies.

Another way to read energies is to gauge how effortless things are occurring.  If you have to force it then it is not for you.  In addition, if it doesn’t come to you with ease then it is not for you either.  Any time you have to swim upstream or exert a lot of effort then you need to leg it go.  This is not to  be confused with expanding yourself by pushing through the challenging times.  That’s a whole different kettle of fish.  I am referring to being able to discern energies and which ones are for you or not.  Darkness can mimic light and what seems like something that would be truth for you can deceive you.  So remain open and yet be discerning to test the energies that are flowing into your life.

With sincere and utmost gratitude.

Infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – Lesley Adams

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible! Please request our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you details on how to manifest financial freedom. Deepest gratitude.


Email: lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com


Your Health IS Your Wealth

Monday, April 22, 2014


Your health IS your wealth.  We are inundated with information on health, yet how much do we actually internalize and practice?  I have studied Dietetics and Nutrition and time and time again I see people whose desire is strong yet their excuse level is stronger.  It all starts in the mind.

Making that decision to take care of your health is the beginning.  Then one has to overcome all the psychological issues associated with making health your priority.  I have been in numerous hospitals and doctors’ offices as a healthcare consultant and time and time again I have seen patients come in with bottles and bottles of prescription drugs, walking on canes, being diagnosed with all the major killers namely high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes, the latter of which is a world-wide pandemic!

I have seen these same patients excuse level overcome their desire level to be healthy while they continue to take prescription meds and slowly dig their way into their graves with their forks. Now please don’t misunderstand me, there is definitely a place in this world for prescription medications and they have and are saving lives every day.  However, what quality of life does it give with the side effects?  A balance is required where healthy choices in eating and exercise are also adopted.  I have seen many turn their health around and get off these medications and control their situation with diet and exercise.

I am a part of a cutting edge national beta pilot health and weight loss study that is being conducted starting on April 28, 2014.  If you would like information on how to become a part of this study please email me.  My contact information is listed below.

So let’s remember that our health is our wealth and without it we have nothing.  All the money in the world cannot and will not buy quality of life and excellent health.  We have to choose it.  So what are you choosing for you today?

With sincere and utmost gratitude.

Infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – Lesley Adams

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible! Please request our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you details on how to manifest financial freedom. Deepest gratitude.


Email: lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com




Resurrection Sunday

On this special day as many observe the resurrection of Jesus across the globe, I also see the parallels in mother nature where in Spring everything is reactivated and comes back to life from being dormant.  These seasons are a part of nature and in life we also experience “seasons” with highs and lows and gains and losses.  Everything is cyclical.  When we have great times, expansion, profit it’s easy to ride the wave.  However, it’s what we do when that wave crashes and we fall out.  Knowing “who” my  source is, is what gives me peace, bliss, and comfort even when things come crashing down.  I tell myself that “this too shall pass” and I ask what is the lesson here?  The lessons come to give expansion and growth in our journey, our level of consciousness, and more importantly with the Divine.  The school of life is consistent as it pushes us to evolve so that we can ascend to higher heights and deeper depths in the truth of who we really are.  This causes me to pay very close attention to what’s showing up as that signifies areas that I need purification and growth.

With sincere and utmost gratitude.

Infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – Lesley Adams

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible!  Our team helps people create financial freedom in your life by changing your thinking, changing your marketing, and changing your positioning (TMP). We are not asking you to get on our team.  Instead we are saying, “Let us get on your team to create expansion and growth for you and your business endeavors”.   For information about our Mentorship program email me and I will send you our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you the details. Deepest gratitude.