Lesley’s Motivational Moment – We “Feel” Ourselves Into What We Desire To Manifest

We feel ourselves into our manifestations

Whatever it is you desire to  manifest into your life owning that “feeling” of already having it is the way to bring it into your reality with ease and joy.

I decided that I wanted a new car and so I went and test drove it so that I could have the “feel” of what it was like to be in it.  To smell the scent of it.  To experience the feeling of accelerating on the highway as the engine responded so rapidly to me putting my foot down.  It was magical.

I then went home and looked for a picture of that exact vehicle, colour, etc.  What I didn’t know is that I downloaded a photo of the next model up.  I made it my screen saver on my laptop and every day each time I worked on my computer as I looked at this beauty I was reminded of:

The curves.

The edges.

The colour.

The strength.

The luxurious aroma.

I recalled what it “felt like” to be behind the wheel.

Much to my delight I ended up getting the EXACT vehicle on my desktop image instead of the one that I test drove.


Because I was reminded of the “feelings” of being in that beauty.

You, too, can manifest your desires into your reality by “feeling” your way into it.  If you desire a new home, new job, your own business, a new relationship… or improving the one you are in …. then you can do it by “feeling” what it would be like to have the desires of your manifestations.

Lesley Adams is a Personal Development and Growth Expert

Author, Speaker, and Board Certified Mentor

 Predictable Wealth Movie Promo Trailer

Lesley Adams Author Website

Contact Lesley at lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com to speak at your next event


Lesley’s Motivational Moment – Shift the Energy in Your Circumstances

Shift the energy in your circumstances

You can shift the “energy” in your circumstances by asking the God of the Universe for other possibilities if something is not working out to your liking.

When you get a grasp of this, it is then easy to change things that are not working in your life.

I have also learned that by staying in the question, you ask God for other potentials and improvements to be presented in your life.

The Universal Laws created by Him are already moving smoothly behind the scenes drawing things either to you or away from you, depending on what vibration you are emitting.

Faith draws things to you while fear and worry repel things away from you.


Staying in the question puts you in a state of total allowance of everything that shows up, and from that vantage point, you get to choose because you asked for bigger and better possibilities.

You will be pleasantly surprised, just like unwrapping gifts on your birthday or at Christmas that end up being way better than what you had hoped for!

That is Manifesting Freedom!

What are YOU choosing for YOU?

Lesley Adams is a Personal Development and Growth Expert

Author, Speaker, and Board Certified Mentor

 Predictable Wealth Movie Promo Trailer

Lesley Adams Facebook Page

Lesley Adams You Tube Channel

Lesley Adams Author Website

Lesley Adams Blog

Manifest Health Freedom

Manifest Gold Freedom

Manifest Freedom Investment Group

Manifest Freedom with the Global Giving Chain

I am a part of a private membership only Global Mastermind Success Group and we are all positive like-minded people who are creating the life of our desires and dreams while working on personal development and growth. You can do the same. Why not YOU?  Why not now? Ask me about this.

Lesley is available to speak at your next event

Contact: lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com


Saving or spending?

Gold Is Money 1

Now that Christmas is over and you have spent a lot of money on gifts I ask you to seriously consider to begin a savings plan in 2015.  I teach people that after tithing their first tenth to the Lord, next do what the wealthy people do and pay yourself ten percent of your net income.  This is something that may require discipline on your part, especially if you are very frivolous with your cash.

Your Gold Mine

In my latest book, “The Millionaire Habit”, that I have the privilege and honour to be a co-author with some incredibly astute and savvy business people, it teaches about saving your money and not spending your money by acquiring 999.99 24 Karat London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) Certified Gold Bullion.  You may not be aware of the fact that to become LBMA Certified is quite a feat as it takes several hoops to jump through to receive this esteemed approval from this prestigious association.


Furthermore, did you know that in this country we are considered to only be bearers of gold and not owners of any gold that is acquired here?  When I first heard that it ruffled up my feathers quite a tad!  Here I thought I was doing the smart thing by hedging my cash and protecting some of it by acquiring gold here in the States only to discover that at any time it can be recalled by the powers that be if deemed necessary … seriously it gave me a huge wake up call.  Thankfully I discovered how to circumvent this tragedy from ever happening to me and now I am saving and not spending money and adding gold to my financial portfolio gram by gram.

rich people plan for generations

Why am I so excited about doing it this way?  Well it makes a tremendous amount of sense to me to be able to acquire gold bullion gram by gram because it’s more affordable in this manner.  Let’s face it rich people can purchase an ounce of gold without batting an eye… the masses simply cannot afford it.  So this is why I love the fact that  I am able to teach everyone how to acquire gold gram by gram because it is something that everyone can afford to do and cannot afford not to do!

KB Gold Bullion symbol

The gold bullion is available in one, two and a half, or five gram increments and it is in the form of gold currency.  I can use this to purchase goods from those merchants who accept this form of currency.  Of course I prefer to save mine and not spend it because I know that in the future the value of gold is going to increase exponentially.  Another advantage to having my gold in gram sizes is that it is a lot easier to liquidate it than an ounce.  I cannot break a piece of gold off of a gold coin and use it to purchase products.  I can use my gold bullion gram cards to buy things from those merchants who are savvy enough to accept this gold currency.

You know the saying, “At the end of every rainbow, there’s a pot of gold”, well I am creating my pot of gold gram by gram because we all know that faith without works is dead …. we have to be proactive and manifest our gold freedom.

rainbow pot of gold

Got gold?


Sign up for your free account and start aquiring 999.99 London Bullion Market Association Certified 24 Karat Gold Bullion gram by gram.

No autoship

No minimum amount stipulated

Build your gold vault gram by gram

download (1)



Lesley Adams is a motivational author, speaker, and mentor.

Contact Lesley to speak at your next event



Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

Ruby throated hummingbird

I was sitting outside and enjoying my cup of Organic Organo Gold Coffee when a Ruby-throated Hummingbird, (Archilochus colubris in Latin) in all his exquisiteness flew up to bid me good morning! How marvelous is that?

My youngest son is an avid bird watcher and when he was little we would take nature walks and then come back and draw and colour the birds that we saw and learn their names in Latin. Oh those were some of the most amazing times I had with my sons.

Hummingbirds are very territorial. When it comes to mating the males do all the work as they puff out their chests and throat and move their heads from side to side so that their feathers shine in the light giving the illusion that they are dancing to a song in their head. The males perform a “mating dance” demonstrating to the female just how beautiful he looks and how strong he is. They also do a courtship dive to impress the female that they have chosen to mate with. A note to ladies out there – all male species are wired the same way across the board…. Sit back and let him impress you – there is never ever a need to chase a man or try to get his attention 😉






The Power of Mentorship Anthology featuring a contribution entitled, “Manifesting Freedom”

by Lesley Adams, Motivational Author, Speaker, and Mentor.

Manifesting Freedom shares how to manifest freedom in every area of your lives starting with Changing Your Thinking, Whatever You Feed You Breed, Gratitude Ignites Prosperity, Take On The Energy of Money, and much more. The Audio Version read by Lesley Adams in her soothing voice and charming accent!




Sample Audio Clip



Recorded at: Island Breeze Studios P.O. Box 617153 Orlando, FL 32861

Phone: (407) 897-3522 www.ibamusic.com

Engineer: Nicholas Culp

Music: Gerardo Manrique – Relax Journey www.relaxjourney.com

Photographer:  Garrard Cato www.cato.dezonly1.com

Email:                  cato.dezonly1@gmail.com

Phone:                321.536.3785

Infinite gratitude and blessings to Glen Colin Barclay for you support and allowing me to use your lovely facility Island Breeze Affiliates as well as for the incredible services of Nick Culp. Nick Culp you are incredible and I am infinitely grateful to you and for you Eternal blessings.

Gerardo Manrique I am so grateful to you for the beautiful song “Relax Journey” that took “Manifesting Freedom”, along with my voice and encapsulated it into the most soothing and beautiful marriage on this project.  Eternal gratitude.

Cato Dez OnlyOne I appreciate you to the utmost and I wish you endless blessings for the amazing photographs that you took for me.

I dedicated the project of Manifesting Freedom to my sons Stephen and Shaun.  YOU are MY reason for everything that I do.



Published by Real Life Teaching/Publishing


562-237-8039 Whittier, California

Copyright © 2014 Real Life Teaching/Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this audio recording may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher and author.

Cover Design by Covenant Seed
Editing, Composition, and Typography by Patti McKenna

This audio is available at quantity discounts for bulk purchase. For more information contact: Manifesting Freedom International – Lesley Adams Lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com www.lesleyadamsauthor.com Telephone: 888.995.7787
Costa Mesa, California

Special Note: This audio edition of The Power of Mentorship, “Manifesting Freedom” is designed to provide information and motivation to our readers. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged to render any type of psychological, legal, or any other kind of professional advice. The content of each article is the sole expression and opinion of its author, and not necessarily that of the publisher. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by the publisher’s choice to include any of the content in this volume. Neither the publisher nor the individual author(s) shall be liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. Our views and rights are the same: You are responsible for your own choices, actions, and results.

Your Health IS Your Wealth

Monday, April 22, 2014


Your health IS your wealth.  We are inundated with information on health, yet how much do we actually internalize and practice?  I have studied Dietetics and Nutrition and time and time again I see people whose desire is strong yet their excuse level is stronger.  It all starts in the mind.

Making that decision to take care of your health is the beginning.  Then one has to overcome all the psychological issues associated with making health your priority.  I have been in numerous hospitals and doctors’ offices as a healthcare consultant and time and time again I have seen patients come in with bottles and bottles of prescription drugs, walking on canes, being diagnosed with all the major killers namely high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes, the latter of which is a world-wide pandemic!

I have seen these same patients excuse level overcome their desire level to be healthy while they continue to take prescription meds and slowly dig their way into their graves with their forks. Now please don’t misunderstand me, there is definitely a place in this world for prescription medications and they have and are saving lives every day.  However, what quality of life does it give with the side effects?  A balance is required where healthy choices in eating and exercise are also adopted.  I have seen many turn their health around and get off these medications and control their situation with diet and exercise.

I am a part of a cutting edge national beta pilot health and weight loss study that is being conducted starting on April 28, 2014.  If you would like information on how to become a part of this study please email me.  My contact information is listed below.

So let’s remember that our health is our wealth and without it we have nothing.  All the money in the world cannot and will not buy quality of life and excellent health.  We have to choose it.  So what are you choosing for you today?

With sincere and utmost gratitude.

Infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – Lesley Adams

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible! Please request our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you details on how to manifest financial freedom. Deepest gratitude.


Email: lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com




Resurrection Sunday

On this special day as many observe the resurrection of Jesus across the globe, I also see the parallels in mother nature where in Spring everything is reactivated and comes back to life from being dormant.  These seasons are a part of nature and in life we also experience “seasons” with highs and lows and gains and losses.  Everything is cyclical.  When we have great times, expansion, profit it’s easy to ride the wave.  However, it’s what we do when that wave crashes and we fall out.  Knowing “who” my  source is, is what gives me peace, bliss, and comfort even when things come crashing down.  I tell myself that “this too shall pass” and I ask what is the lesson here?  The lessons come to give expansion and growth in our journey, our level of consciousness, and more importantly with the Divine.  The school of life is consistent as it pushes us to evolve so that we can ascend to higher heights and deeper depths in the truth of who we really are.  This causes me to pay very close attention to what’s showing up as that signifies areas that I need purification and growth.

With sincere and utmost gratitude.

Infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – Lesley Adams

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible!  Our team helps people create financial freedom in your life by changing your thinking, changing your marketing, and changing your positioning (TMP). We are not asking you to get on our team.  Instead we are saying, “Let us get on your team to create expansion and growth for you and your business endeavors”.   For information about our Mentorship program email me and I will send you our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you the details. Deepest gratitude.


Gratitude Ignites Prosperity

Gratitude ignites prosperity whereas worry stunts prosperity.  I keep a “Gratitude Journal” and I write down whatever I am thankful for every day.  Being thankful brings us closer to the Divine and the energy that creates and manifests prosperity and everything positive in your life. Negative thoughts immediately repel creative forces from bringing incredible things to you.

I appreciate everyone and everything in my life and I express my thankfulness to everyone all the time. Try it. You will be pleasantly surprised to see how this will create amazing energy, experiences, and blessings.

With sincere and utmost gratitude.

Infinite love, light, bliss, peace, blessings, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Lesley Adams

“Our thoughts create the landscape of our reality” – LA

It is my hope that whatever I share here ignites the fire and passion in you to realize that we are ALL limitless, and that ALL things are possible!  Our team helps people create financial freedom in your life by changing your thinking, changing your marketing, and changing your positioning (TMP). We are not asking you to get on our team.  Instead we are saying, “Let us get on your team to create expansion and growth for you and your business endeavors”.   For information about our Mentorship program email me and I will send you our “Money Magnet” audio that gives you the details. Deepest gratitude.