Lesley’s Motivational Moment – We “Feel” Ourselves Into What We Desire To Manifest

We feel ourselves into our manifestations

Whatever it is you desire to  manifest into your life owning that “feeling” of already having it is the way to bring it into your reality with ease and joy.

I decided that I wanted a new car and so I went and test drove it so that I could have the “feel” of what it was like to be in it.  To smell the scent of it.  To experience the feeling of accelerating on the highway as the engine responded so rapidly to me putting my foot down.  It was magical.

I then went home and looked for a picture of that exact vehicle, colour, etc.  What I didn’t know is that I downloaded a photo of the next model up.  I made it my screen saver on my laptop and every day each time I worked on my computer as I looked at this beauty I was reminded of:

The curves.

The edges.

The colour.

The strength.

The luxurious aroma.

I recalled what it “felt like” to be behind the wheel.

Much to my delight I ended up getting the EXACT vehicle on my desktop image instead of the one that I test drove.


Because I was reminded of the “feelings” of being in that beauty.

You, too, can manifest your desires into your reality by “feeling” your way into it.  If you desire a new home, new job, your own business, a new relationship… or improving the one you are in …. then you can do it by “feeling” what it would be like to have the desires of your manifestations.

Lesley Adams is a Personal Development and Growth Expert

Author, Speaker, and Board Certified Mentor

 Predictable Wealth Movie Promo Trailer

Lesley Adams Author Website

Contact Lesley at lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com to speak at your next event


Lesley’s Motivational Moment – Shift the Energy in Your Circumstances

Shift the energy in your circumstances

You can shift the “energy” in your circumstances by asking the God of the Universe for other possibilities if something is not working out to your liking.

When you get a grasp of this, it is then easy to change things that are not working in your life.

I have also learned that by staying in the question, you ask God for other potentials and improvements to be presented in your life.

The Universal Laws created by Him are already moving smoothly behind the scenes drawing things either to you or away from you, depending on what vibration you are emitting.

Faith draws things to you while fear and worry repel things away from you.


Staying in the question puts you in a state of total allowance of everything that shows up, and from that vantage point, you get to choose because you asked for bigger and better possibilities.

You will be pleasantly surprised, just like unwrapping gifts on your birthday or at Christmas that end up being way better than what you had hoped for!

That is Manifesting Freedom!

What are YOU choosing for YOU?

Lesley Adams is a Personal Development and Growth Expert

Author, Speaker, and Board Certified Mentor

 Predictable Wealth Movie Promo Trailer

Lesley Adams Facebook Page

Lesley Adams You Tube Channel

Lesley Adams Author Website

Lesley Adams Blog

Manifest Health Freedom

Manifest Gold Freedom

Manifest Freedom Investment Group

Manifest Freedom with the Global Giving Chain

I am a part of a private membership only Global Mastermind Success Group and we are all positive like-minded people who are creating the life of our desires and dreams while working on personal development and growth. You can do the same. Why not YOU?  Why not now? Ask me about this.

Lesley is available to speak at your next event

Contact: lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com


Personal Development and Growth – A Vital Daily Practice

Personal Development and growth daily

Daily studies in personal development and growth are imperative to enhance the quality of every facet of life with excellence and evolution.

What are you doing to foster this vital and necessary practice?

Please share below this post what you are doing and in-mail me if you would like me to facilitate some guidance and point you in the right direction.

 Predictable Wealth Movie Promo Trailer

Lesley Adams Facebook Page

Lesley Adams You Tube Channel

Lesley Adams Author Website

Lesley Adams Blog

Manifesting Freedom Investment Group

Lesley is available to speak at your next event lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com

Lesley phone

Globe Trotting ~ Now You Can Afford It

World is classroom and travel is your textbook

Part of the mission of Manifesting Freedom International is to open up people’s eyes to a broad world-view. Since I am from a foreign country, Zimbabwe, it is part of my passion to share the world with those who have never the had the luxury and privilege of leaving their city, state, or country.

My great friend Dominic introduced me to “Surge 365” a Private Travel Membership Club.

Everyone loves to travel and get incredible deals.

Get the best travel deals here

travel images

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Costa Rica

South Carolina bridge

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The best health insurance is your health ~ Lesley Adams

The buzz in healthcare these days is all about “ObamaCare” which is officially known as the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).  It is also known as the “Affordable Care Act or abbreviated as ACA. I have worked on projects as a Healthcare Informatics Consultant where I teach physicians, nurses, and healthcare staff how to chart electronically in computers which mandates that healthcare facilities have to move from paper charting to electronic medical records.  Being in these environments I have seen some patients on copious amounts of prescription drugs and mainly due to poor lifestyle choices.  The side effects of many of these drugs are incredible and can cause even more health problems.

Please let me stress that while I definitely believe there is a place for pharmaceuticals in health maintenance and they do save lives, I have also seen far too many people depend solely on their medications and are less proactive with their health.  Never ever stop taking your medications without the advice and consent of your doctor.  Nor am I suggesting that your supplements ought to replace your medications.  I am merely sharing that living a healthy lifestyle of eating healthy, exercising, and taking supplements has been known to assist in maintaining good health.

I have come to the conclusion that while it is a great thing to have health insurance – the best health insurance IS your health.  Having all the wealth in the world means nothing without great health.




One Medical Doctor in Family Practice actually mentioned once that if people simply took the time to take care of themselves there would not be a high volume of patients frequenting their establishment. I have a passion for health and wellness from the holistic point of view and I also studied some Dietetics and Nutrition so I have seen both sides of the coin as well as the effects on people who have chosen to not take care of themselves.

Instead of being  proactive with their health some people prefer to ignore this until they experience failing health. There are definitive consequences to our choices, healthy and unhealthy.  Yet how does one do that when we are bombarded with food commercials that are promoting junk and fast foods that are filled with hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup?   It all starts with mindset which is why I teach about reframing one’s mindset because in order to make effective changes and achieve our goals and dreams we have to think differently. We have to reframe our thinking and make healthier choices.  We need to DETOXIFY, BALANCE and then BUILD up our bodies.


Just like we take our cars in for regular servicing and check ups we need to do the same thing with our bodies. In order to have optimal health though we first have to detoxify the systems of our body.  That will get rid of all unwanted toxic build up and wastes.



 2. Balance

Then we have to balance our bodies. This means getting the different systems as well as our hormones in balance to where everything is functioning efficiently.


3. Build

We then have to BUILD our bodies by supplying the necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals, superfoods, and superfruits to assist in the smooth running of everything.


You owe it to yourself to take care of YOU.  Do not wait until you are on handfuls of prescription drugs and you have irreversible diseases.  Take control now.  It may cost you now to get into the gym, eat healthy, and take supplements.  However an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  It will end up costing you your health, high doctors and hospital bills, and then you will still have to spend money on the “preventative portion”.  Trust me I see sick people all the time when I am consulting in hospitals and doctors offices.

I am an expert in natural products and supplements.  I had my own business in the natural products industry where my clients were the top products in big and small health food stores.  I know what these supplements do and why they help.  People always tell me that I look so great for my age.  What’s my secret?  Well I take care of myself and I have always taken healthy products.  I have some amazing products that I would be delighted and honoured to share with you how to:

1. Cleanse

2. Balance

3. Build

Your bodies and health to an optimal state.

Balance is the key


Lesley Adams is a Motivational Speaker and Author

Contact Lesley to speak at your next event

For more information on how to do this please contact me at lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com or visit www.lesleyadamsauthor.com and click on CONTACT to reach me.

Saving or spending?

Gold Is Money 1

Now that Christmas is over and you have spent a lot of money on gifts I ask you to seriously consider to begin a savings plan in 2015.  I teach people that after tithing their first tenth to the Lord, next do what the wealthy people do and pay yourself ten percent of your net income.  This is something that may require discipline on your part, especially if you are very frivolous with your cash.

Your Gold Mine

In my latest book, “The Millionaire Habit”, that I have the privilege and honour to be a co-author with some incredibly astute and savvy business people, it teaches about saving your money and not spending your money by acquiring 999.99 24 Karat London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) Certified Gold Bullion.  You may not be aware of the fact that to become LBMA Certified is quite a feat as it takes several hoops to jump through to receive this esteemed approval from this prestigious association.


Furthermore, did you know that in this country we are considered to only be bearers of gold and not owners of any gold that is acquired here?  When I first heard that it ruffled up my feathers quite a tad!  Here I thought I was doing the smart thing by hedging my cash and protecting some of it by acquiring gold here in the States only to discover that at any time it can be recalled by the powers that be if deemed necessary … seriously it gave me a huge wake up call.  Thankfully I discovered how to circumvent this tragedy from ever happening to me and now I am saving and not spending money and adding gold to my financial portfolio gram by gram.

rich people plan for generations

Why am I so excited about doing it this way?  Well it makes a tremendous amount of sense to me to be able to acquire gold bullion gram by gram because it’s more affordable in this manner.  Let’s face it rich people can purchase an ounce of gold without batting an eye… the masses simply cannot afford it.  So this is why I love the fact that  I am able to teach everyone how to acquire gold gram by gram because it is something that everyone can afford to do and cannot afford not to do!

KB Gold Bullion symbol

The gold bullion is available in one, two and a half, or five gram increments and it is in the form of gold currency.  I can use this to purchase goods from those merchants who accept this form of currency.  Of course I prefer to save mine and not spend it because I know that in the future the value of gold is going to increase exponentially.  Another advantage to having my gold in gram sizes is that it is a lot easier to liquidate it than an ounce.  I cannot break a piece of gold off of a gold coin and use it to purchase products.  I can use my gold bullion gram cards to buy things from those merchants who are savvy enough to accept this gold currency.

You know the saying, “At the end of every rainbow, there’s a pot of gold”, well I am creating my pot of gold gram by gram because we all know that faith without works is dead …. we have to be proactive and manifest our gold freedom.

rainbow pot of gold

Got gold?


Sign up for your free account and start aquiring 999.99 London Bullion Market Association Certified 24 Karat Gold Bullion gram by gram.

No autoship

No minimum amount stipulated

Build your gold vault gram by gram

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Lesley Adams is a motivational author, speaker, and mentor.

Contact Lesley to speak at your next event



Give the Gift of Consciousness

Giving hands

At this time of year everyone is spending money on material things, some are necessities while others are desires.  I encourage you to give the gift of consciousness this year.


“Manifesting Freedom”, is an audio version of part of The Power of Mentorship Anthology narrated by Lesley in her soothing voice.  She is sharing how to manifest freedom to live a life of peace, bliss, expansion, and prosperity.


Download your copies at


Infinite gratitude and eternal blessings

Lesley pensive look

Lesley Adams

Lesley is available to speak at your next event:

Corporate Events – Motivation and Expansion

Women’s Conferences

Church Functions

Homeschool Events

Contact Lesley at: lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com

The Millionaire Habit – Hot Off The Press


Co-Authored by Lesley Adams

The wealthy inquire of the value of “something”

While those who are not wealthy ask how much that “something” costs

VAST difference and it’s not in the content of their wallets!

It’s ALL about mindset!


Acquire The Millionaire Mindset by reading this PHENOMENAL book.

It will enlighten you to adopt “The Millionaire Habit” of building your wealth one gram at a time.

Hot off the press!

 Order your hard copy or download your pdf of this book NOW at



Living in the Moment – For the Moment

Living in present at peace

Living in the NOW …. in the moment for the moment …. this gives you peace.  This is the place where you cast all your cares on the Lord and you stay on your face before our Infinite Source, the God Most High and you have that child-like faith that everything is going to work out for your highest good.
Deep depression, not the moments where we just feel down, this is a form of mental illness and/or chemical imbalance and I do not make light of that at all.  If you find yourself dealing with severe depression please seek medical counselling ASAP.
For those who are finding themselves having a down spell release it ALL to Our Infinite Source, the God Most High and be still and know that He is GOD – I AM – YAHWEH.
The Bible tells us to be anxious for nothing = NO THING turn over everything to Him and stay in the question, “What now Lord?” When you live in the question you are open to all the infinite possibilities of unlimitedness.  You will connect with who you truly are, an extension of the Great I Am….  That’s living in the center of God’s will.  It’s THE best place to be because our Father in Heaven is omniscient and so He knows your heart, the hearts of the people that you deal with and He will always work things out for the highest good of everyone concerned.

Trust me when I say I have first-hand experience of all that I write …. I have been homeless and I had to sleep in my car …. and how ironic when one of my ministries is to the homeless? So now when I minister to the homeless I can tell them that I have had an experience … albeit it wasn’t permanent … however it was tangible

I have had no where to stay and I needed temporary housing due to a series of unfortunate events and I had strangers take me in … thanks to my dearest friend Elisa who asked her dearest friends Wendy and Jim if they would help me out and they took me in and now I have new friends!  Now that was the hand of God as He made a way for me!   It also flexed and built up those faith muscles as I had to press into the Lord and lean on Him to make the way .. and He did!

Sometimes things happen because we create them and other times they happen because we have lessons to learn and sometimes it’s BOTH …. that we created them because we need to learn the lesson.  Until we get these life lessons we will keep on repeating them so it’s best to “get it” the first time so as not to go through the pain and lessons again.  The lessons are great though as it creates expansion and elevates our levels of consciousness and brings us closer to the Divine.

Some of the most successful people have lost everything several times and been out in the cold and they not only surmounted those circumstances, each time this happened they did not give up.  They were knocked down but not out …. they GOT UP …. that is what I have done and I am here to tell you that if God can do it for others then He can certainly do it for you because He is no respecter of persons … the ground is level at the foot of the cross and He has no favourites.

Have great expectations for your life because with the Lord you will never be disappointed.  That is the only time I have great expectations is with God – with humans I NEVER EVER have any expectations because that sets you up for disappointment.  People can and will let you down and that is why I have no expectations for anything.

So I encourage you to master living “in the moment – for the moment” because that is all we really have. Tomorrow is not promised …. and as one of my favourite contemporary Christian artists Stephen Curtis Chapman sings, “spend the next five minutes, as if it’s the last five minutes”.  Here is a mix  of some of Stephen’s incredible songs starting with Next Five Minutes, Great Expectations, Speechless, Be Still and Know, etcetera.  I am so grateful to Stephen Curtis Chapman for his amazing faith and love of the Lord because they transcend into his music and bring me to my face before the Lord in worship:

Lesley pensive look


Twitter: @LesleyAdams15

IG: freedomlesleyadams


Contact Lesley to be a speaker at your next event

Wisdom -v- Foolishness

Last Will and Testament

Proverbs 13:22

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous.

Are you planning and preparing to leave an inheritance for generations to come?


Is the only thing you plan and prepare for is having a good time?

rich people plan for generations

“We should not forget that it will be just as important to our descendants to be prosperous in their time as it is to us to be prosperous in our time.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Start building an inheritance for your great-grandchildren.

Do you have a wealth building mentality mindset or a poverty spending mentality mindset?

I challenge you to start building an inheritance for your future generations.

Start Acquiring currency grade 24 Karat London Bullion Market Association Certified 999.99 Gold Bullion NOW!

1. GOLD – hedge against inflation

2. GOLD – hedge against a declining dollar

3. GOLD – as a safe haven

4. GOLD – supply and demand

5. GOLD – store of value

6. GOLD – portfolio diversifier



Cash is king – GOLD bullion is everything
