Lesley’s Motivational Moment – Design Your Destiny

The Hows Are Up To God

There is no need to be concerned with the “hows” because that is up to our Infinite Source, the Divine, and the universal laws, which the God Most High has put into place. The Law of Attraction is the highest of all the universal laws, and it supersedes even the Law of Gravity because you have the power, by your thoughts, to accomplish, become, and possess anything that you fancy, even if all odds are against you. All you have to do is to emit the frequency of what it is that you wish to manifest. The way things unfold are then up to the God of this Universe, and you just have to “show up,” living in your purpose and focus on the “whats.” Release the “hows.” Live in total belief that everything you desire and need is given to you at the right time.


All You Need Shows Up At The Perfect Time

Start on a fresh page in your life and design your destiny.

Reframe your thinking as your thoughts create the landscape of your reality.

As you change your thoughts, your words and actions will follow.

What is it that you do not like in your life?

Make changes and write down what you would like to have in your life.

If you had a magic pen and if money was no issue what would you be doing with your life?

What would your life be like?

Where would you be living?

What would you be driving?

What would your soul mate look and be like?

Would you own your own business? It’s easier than ever nowadays to be an independent business owner as there are numerous opportunities available for brick and mortar businesses, franchises, and yes even network marketing.  And “NO” networking marketing is NOT a pyramid scheme!  LOL!

What would your wardrobe look like?

Where would you vacation?

There is immense power in writing down all that you wish to attract into your life.  I call it the blue print of designing your destiny.

So get a notebook and write in blue ink pen (I’ll get into that on another post) and begin to manifest freedom by flipping the script of  your future.

Destiny by Design

Lesley Adams is a Personal Development and Growth Expert

Author, Speaker, and Board Certified Mentor

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Contact: lesley@lesleyadamsauthor.com
